Striped Rock Ranch
Location: Mariposa County, CA
Timeframe: 2005 - 2020
Consultant: Kellenberg Studio
Status: Complete
Role: Planner and Developer
Striped Rock Ranch is a 450 acre Conservation Development located 10 minutes outside of Mariposa, CA and about 40 minutes from Yosemite National Park. It is the home of the Striped Rock Conservation Preserve, an active wildlife and habitat preserve. The conservation easement is monitored and enforced by the Sierra Foothill Conservancy.
The Preserve consists of Live Oak woodland, Blue Oak, scattered Bull Pines and intervening pastureland. It is actively grazed and cattle will continue in the Preserve as part of its habitat management plan. Moderate to large rock outcroppings are typical and diverse and complex land forms. Dramatic views are possible from ridge lines: to the east the Sierras, to the south, Striped Rock Creek valley and to the west, Lookout Mountain.
Rather than being developed with over 60 lots, as entitled by existing zoning, only 8 lots have been created, mostly at the north end of the Preserve. All lots are technically within the Preserve and covered by the conservation easement that regulates land impacts, future subdividing and visual character.
The last three of these lots are now available ranging in size from 6.8 to 10.7 acres.